ICC – Helping People For Improving Lives
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I have been working in the education sector in Bangladesh and in Canada. Bangladesh is a country with full of talented individuals. The quality and standard of Bangladeshi graduates are unique and can be compared to any developed countries in the world.
I am a Bangladeshi citizen by birth and a Canadian after studying and working in Bangladesh and Canada decided to dedicate my services to my fellow countrymen where they would have the opportunity to explore their intellectual abilities in abroad.
Keeping this in mind, I have developed International Consulting Company Inc. (ICC) to extend our services to the citizens of Canada, Bangladesh and other countries of the world. Initially, based on my team members’ experience, I have decided to offer our services to the education sector as Canada has one of the best education system in the world.
ICC is a hundred percent Canadian company that is striving to offer services in other areas to help develop a strong community in the globe.
I am a passionate learner and always wanted to learn and help people in learning. Developing organization is in my DNA and worked over 20-years and developed organizations successfully. I have always offered my best services to my employers to connect best students with the institutions.
I have successfully worked at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh (ULAB), Scholastica Pvt Ltd in Bangladesh. Then I have worked at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), Education, Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) as Non-educator Scorer, at Elections Canada as Deputy Returning Officer for municipal, provincial and federal elections and as Program Analyst with the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) in Canada.
I have worked passionately in Bangladesh and in Canada and now, I have decided to render my services to my fellow countrymen and to the world. This is a great privilege for me that through the service of International Consulting Company (ICC) people of all segments of the society would be benefitted immensely.
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